KLI Incorporated specializes in working with our customers on their projects and can add value to their projects in numerous ways. Please contact us if you feel we might be able to help you with your project in any ways other than the ones listed below.

Mechanical Assembly
KLI Incorporated assembles mechanical components for use in various industries, specializing in the transit industry. All assemblies are built to our customers drawings and specifications.

Electrical Assembly
KLI Incorporated assembles numerous electrical components used in the transit industry. Specializing in lower volume through hole soldering, all assemblies are built and tested to our customers drawings and specifications.

Harness Assembly
KLI Incorporated assembles harnesses for use in various industries, specializing in the transit industry. All harnesses are assembled to customer drawings and specifications and to comply with IPC/WHMA-A-620 standards as required.

Cable Assembly
KLI Incorporated assembles cables for use in various industries, specializing in the transit industry. All cables are assembled to customer drawings and specifications and to comply with IPC/WHMA-A-620 standards as required.

Conformal Coating
KLI Incorporated has the ability to coat components and devices as required by customers specifications. We use silicone sprays, brushed, and dips to protect your critical components from the environment.

KLI Incorporated has the ability to kit components together for our customers. Kitting components together allows the customer to be more efficient in assembling their own components while we focus on getting the bill of materials correct for them.